“Our ministry is made possible by your gracious support.
Thank you for partnering with us each month.” – Pastor Scott
Your interest in partnership is evidence of the fact that not only has this ministry affected your life, but you also have a desire to help someone else and believe our message can provide that help. Together, through partnership, you and I can reach thousands of people with the loving and life changing gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. As you know God has entrusted us to with a message of how to recognize and to conquer the beast in our lives that are holding us back from our destinies, and your partnership makes it possible to deliver our message to those that need it the most.
Support God’s Work in Our Own Community
God is doing a great work at Western Harvest Ministries; would you commit to being a part of it? Your gift will be used to support the needs and the vision of the ministry to impact our community and its youth with a gospel message.
As a Harvest Partner, you join us in helping our generation know God and make Him known.
When you support Western Harvest Ministries, you’re investing in the lives of men, women, and young people who will come to know Jesus Christ through the various outreaches of Western Harvest Ministries.
A monthly commitment that starts with you and changes lives for all eternity.
Why become a Harvest Partner? Because your monthly support provides the means to reach the lost, preach the Word, and be a source of revealing God’s love and grace to a lost world (Starting in our own community).
Your partnership also helps us to plan and take advantage of every opportunity God brings our way.
We thank you for your desire to partner with us. Your gracious giving multiplies our ministry’s effectiveness to help people love Jesus and see them grow into ministering agents of the Kingdom of God.
Your monthly ministry support gifts make you a vital part of all that is being accomplished for Christ through Western Harvest Ministries throughout the country and eventually the world. Your daily prayers help empower our ministry team to be effective in taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.
I would consider it an honor to partner with you in this vision of teaching the truth of God’s word to all that we come in contact with in America and around the world. Angel and I love you and appreciate you. Thank you for your support.
To make your monthly pledge to support Western Harvest Ministries outreach Team Spur’n with Jesus via the Internet Click here to make a Donation / Monthly Partnership Pledge or,
By mail:
Western Harvest Ministries
6577 Old Springtown Road
Weatherford, TX 76085
By phone:
Please click here to contact our office by email
Matt 9:37
37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”